Oakley Primary Academy PTA

Registered Charity Number: 1208082

Welcome to Oakley Primary Academy PTA's page and thank you for stopping by!

We would like to share with you our mission objectives:

  • To raise funds to expand and improve both learning and recreational areas at Oakley Primary Academy.
  • To fund extracurricular activities open to students of Oakley Primary Academy; ensuring inclusivity for pupils who have SEND, from families suffering hardship or those who meet the threshold under the remit of a disadvantaged pupil as per the Department for Education.
  • To enhance, promote and further develop effective relationships between Parents / Carers and Teaching / Support Staff to advance the education and well-being for the pupils of Oakley Primary Academy.

If you would like to know more or get in touch, please do so via our website (oakleyprimarypta.org) or Facebook Page with some ways to help us with fundraising. We would love to hear from you!


Meet Our PTA

Jo Starsmeare - Chair

Hey! I'm Jo, you may have seen me around school (usually covered in mud with bits of hay in my hair) doing the drop off and picks ups with my little boy who is in Juniper class.

As well as owning enough animals to start a zoo, I'm also a Mum to three children aged 6, 11 and 18. Making a positive impact to children's lives is a huge passion of mine. We have an amazing and talented group of members on our PTA who are committed to giving the ability to expand and improve learning and recreational areas around the school and create magical experiences to boost students mental health and just, well, be really fun because life is better when it's filled with laughter!

As a parent of a child with SEND I understand the difficulties of finding activities which are inclusive and meet the needs of our children. As a PTA we will ensure that no child is ever left behind and activities will be accessible for all children regardless of need.

If you want to say hello, share any ideas for fundraising opportunities, put forward exciting activities you'd like to happen, or maybe offer match funding via your employer I'd love to chat and am always here to listen.


Lisa Mattia - Vice Chair

Hi I'm Lisa,

It’s so nice to be part of the PTA.

Having one of my children recently move up to secondary from Oakley Primary and my youngest in year 2 it is a pleasure to get on board. Spending a year in reception class back in 85-86 I still have fond memories of Oakley Primary and in particular the swimming pool.

My experience from childhood and my career in running my business I hope will help towards organising some fantastic ideas and events for all to enjoy.


Ben O'Neill - Treasurer

Hi, I'm Ben,

I'm very pleased to be involved with the PTA - it's a great school which my children love and have a fabulous circle of friends, so it feels good to give something back. I find it great fun to be around children - quite a contrast to the day job and I was lucky enough to spend my weekends teaching people to snowboard from 7 years upwards at Hemel Snow Centre, my spiritual home, for many years before Aurélie was born in 2016. I'm hoping to be able to secure to deals and freebies there for lessons etc. so watch this space!


Ellie Bishop - PTA Secretary

Hi, My name is Ellie. I have 2 boys, a husband and a dog who always keep me on my toes, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I work at Oakley and so the children know me as Mrs Bishop. I am very much looking forward to being part of Oakley Primary PTA and helping to organise some amazing school events which will hopefully the children will remember for years to come.

Welcome to Oakley Primary Academy

It brings me great pleasure to welcome you to Oakley Primary Academy, a proud member of the Meridian Trust. Having joined the school in September 2023, I am honoured to be here to seek to make Oakley the first-choice school for parents and carers in the heart of the community of our wonderful village and local area.

We hope that, during their time with us, our children will enjoy exciting new experiences, deepen and broaden their knowledge of our curriculum, make new friends and love every day. We are very fortunate to have a highly-experienced, professional and dedicated staff body whom I know are committed to ensuring we do our very best for your children.

If you are a parent / carer who is considering sending your child to join our fantastic school, we encourage you to come and see us 'in action' during the day. We are confident that you will agree this is a place your child can thrive.

I look forward to meeting you.

Mr. Callum Brown

