

The colours of Oakley Primary Academy uniform are royal blue and grey.

Please click the link below for the uniform shop.  All uniform can be ordered through the Mapac website for delivery either to home or to school.


Royal blue sweatshirt
White Polo shirt or plain white shirt (please note shirt with collar)
Grey trousers / shorts
Grey/black socks (plain)
Black flat shoes

Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan
White Polo shirt or white blouse (please note shirt with collar)
Grey skirt/pinafore dress or trousers (not jeans or leggings or other “fashion” trousers)
Blue/white checked dress/skirt in the summer
Thick tights/socks - plain blue/grey or white
Black flat shoes - no open toes

Early Years and Key Stage 1
Royal blue shorts
Blue T-shirt
Plain coloured trainers
Tracksuit/Sweatshirt & jogging bottoms (plain black/blue) may be worn for outdoors PE
PE Bag with drawstring

Key stage 2
Panelled shorts/skorts
Panelled top
Zip top/tracksuit/sweatshirt & jogging bottoms (plain black/blue) may be worn for outdoors
Sport socks (boys only)

Hair bands/slides etc should be plain and flat at all times please, long hair should be tied back.

Jewellery For safety reasons we ask that children do not wear jewellery. Children who have pierced ears must remove earrings for PE and other sporting activities such as out of hours school learning or competitive fixtures; this includes sleepers and stud earrings. This is to prevent injury to the wearer of the jewellery and to other children.


Second-hand Uniform

There is a Facebook page dedicated solely for the purpose of exchanging/selling pre-loved uniform that is in good condition. Please visit this link and request to join the group.



Welcome to Oakley Primary Academy

It brings me great pleasure to welcome you to Oakley Primary Academy, a proud member of the Meridian Trust. Having joined the school in September 2023, I am honoured to be here to seek to make Oakley the first-choice school for parents and carers in the heart of the community of our wonderful village and local area.

We hope that, during their time with us, our children will enjoy exciting new experiences, deepen and broaden their knowledge of our curriculum, make new friends and love every day. We are very fortunate to have a highly-experienced, professional and dedicated staff body whom I know are committed to ensuring we do our very best for your children.

If you are a parent / carer who is considering sending your child to join our fantastic school, we encourage you to come and see us 'in action' during the day. We are confident that you will agree this is a place your child can thrive.

I look forward to meeting you.

Mr. Callum Brown

